How to Stop Cats from Scratching Your Furniture

We all love our furry friends, but it’s no secret that cats love to scratch things. Furniture is often a target for the sharp claws of our beloved cats and this can be incredibly frustrating. But there are ways you can help stop your cat from scratching your furniture.

First, try providing your cat with an alternative scratching surface like a scratching post or cardboard scratching pads. Make sure that the post is sturdy and tall enough for your cat, so they can really get their claws into it. You can even place some catnip on the post to make it even more irresistible.

To overcome this problem, you need to understand why cats have the urge to scratch in the first place. Cats use scratching as a way of marking their territory and stretching out their muscles, so it plays an important role in their daily lives. By introducing an alternative, you allow your cats to stretch without having to treat your furniture for even more damage.

With this in mind, try to make your furniture less inviting for scratching. You can do this by covering the furniture with foil or plastic sheets. Alternatively, you can buy a scratch-resistant fabric to use as a covering for your furniture. This will make it uncomfortable for your cat to scratch the furniture, and they will likely look for an alternative (their new scratching post!).

If your cat keeps going back to the same piece of furniture, you can try to make the area less desirable by using double-sided tape or citrus scents. Cats don’t like certain smells and the sticky sensation of tape, so this can be a helpful deterrent.

If all else fails, you may have to resort to using a spray bottle filled with water to get your cat away from the furniture. Make sure not to spray directly at your cat, but rather just above them or in their general direction. Startling them with a spray of water may convince them to stay away from the furniture and look for more appropriate scratching surfaces.

So, follow the steps below to keep your furniture safe.

  1. Provide them with an appropriate scratching surface or post.
  2. Cover furniture with double-sided tape and make your furniture less desirable.
  3. If necessary, use a spray bottle of water to deter them from scratching the furniture.

If your cat has damaged your furniture beyond repair and you need to replace it after correcting their behaviour, get furniture and rubbish removal with Bin Buddy (the stress of getting rid of old furniture is no more!). Of course, you don’t want to replace your furniture unless you know that your cat’s behaviour has been corrected.

Why Do Cats Scratch Furniture?

Cats scratch furniture for several reasons, including the following:

  • To mark their territory with scent and visual cues.
  • To sharpen their claws.
  • To relieve stress or boredom.
  • To exercise and stretch their bodies.
  • To express excitement or playfulness.

If you can find other ways to achieve these same goals for your cat, you can reduce the amount of furniture scratching. Don’t forget to consider not only the cat’s needs but yours too. By correcting this behaviour and providing alternatives, everybody wins!

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